Thank you for supporting FOCUS Greater Syracuse’s mission to enhance community quality of life through the empowerment of “citizen voice”!
It is through your involvement and support that we are able to ensure that more voices in our community are heard. As you read about the work we have taken on together and the efforts we want to include you in for the future, please consider how your gift today can empower more voices tomorrow.
Creating capacity for more democracy – because of you, FOCUS is able to build a better knowledge base by getting facts out to the community from experts involved and provide the opportunity for citizens to ask questions about decisions that impact our lives. Below are just a few examples:
• FOCUS Forums – at least every month, FOCUS hosts a forum that is designed to connect citizens with experts and discuss their community’s future. – your support will help us continue to host monthly forums and connect to more of the community online and at more diverse locations.
• Citizens Academy – an eight week program in partnership with Syracuse University, City of Syracuse, and Onondaga County for Central New Yorkers who want to be more effective as citizens by being more knowledgeable about how local government operates. – your support will help us continue to provide this invaluable program and further engage over 400 graduates.
Working better together – FOCUS is ramping up for a more robust and collaborative approach to community engagementin the future. We will continue to provide a non-partisan platform for citizens, government, business and other organizations to work better together to improve life in Central New York.
It is your giving today that will help us continue to connect to more voices that want more capacity and opportunities to enhance our quality of life together.
Thank you for considering a contribution to FOCUS!
To discuss further giving opportunities, please contact Frank Moses, FOCUS Greater Syracuse Director of Community Engagement and Organizational Advancement at (315) 448-8732 or at if you would like to discuss FOCUS and our community’s future.