You Make This One of the Best Places to Live – Join in a FOCUS Forum – Now Virtual

FOCUS Forums are accessible online. Past Forums are available on video at this LINK.
Attendance at FOCUS Forums roughly doubled year-over-year in 2019 driven by topics of vital interest to the community, coordination with like-minded organizations, and introductions to new leadership in city and county government, police, and broadcasting. Thank you to Syracuse University’s Office of Community Engagement and Thursday Morning Roundtable, WCNY, Leadership Greater Syracuse and National Grid, Onondaga Community College, Onondaga County, and the City of Syracuse for support and collaboration in these efforts.
FOCUS, which is the independent not-for-profit Forging Our Community’s United Strength, invites anyone with an interest in improving the quality of life in the Greater Syracuse area to bring ideas and questions that need answers to this launch for the new decade of FOCUS and Forums.
At the beginning of 2020 the many opportunities open for Greater Syracuse made priority setting a focus for forums. Forum participants and FOCUS contacts provided their advice on where this community’s energy should go. A STEAM School, the Syracuse Surge, a new I-81, the Southside Campus for the New Economy, Blueprint 15, and regional mega-warehouses and a statewide canal trail and lake loop are still on the verge of becoming a reality even as the community copes with COVID 19. Building a more attractive welcoming, sustainable and environmentally sound economy and community requires focus.
FOCUS Forums are free and open to the public. To learn about current Forums CLICK HERE.
Our Citizens Academy also is a national-award-winning program that runs eight weeks in September and October. The class is chosen from applications received in June and July. To apply online beginning in June CLICK HERE.
CNY-CAN and Age Friendly Strategic Work Group
Participation in CNY-CAN (Central New York Citizens Aging Research and Action Network) community conversations and the Age Friendly Strategic Work Group also is free. To learn more about CNY-CAN CLICK HERE.

To read about the report Shaping an Age-Friendly Central New York CLICK HERE.
Our Wisdom Keeper event has traditionally been the sole fundraiser of the year for FOCUS, which is an independent not-for-profit organization recognized as a charitable institution under chapter 501 c 3 of the IRS tax code. To learn more about our Wisdom Keepers and the current event CLICK HERE.
To learn more call 315-448-8732 or email